Sunday, January 30, 2011

SB '11!!!!!!

Spring break....

I normally love it. It's a nice (yet much needed) break from school, and a good excuse to go somewhere out of Ohio--which I can attest we all need--this year, however, I loathe it.
Around this time of year, I think I'm asked my spring break plans daily.  Groups are forming, final plans are being made, tickets are being booked, and bikinis are even coming out in stores. Planning your spring break is one of the best parts...when you have a spring break to plan that is.  This year I feel like one of the only un-fun kids from Ohio that isn't going somewhere fun.
For the past two years I have made the 14 hour drive down to Jacksonville, FL, to a fun campground that's right on the beach (that's our campsite pictured above).  It's perfect. But, although it doesn't look like it, it's expensive. Gas alone cost all four of us $100 each there and back, factor in the $150 campsite, $150 on groceries for the week, another $100 on "activity money", $55 for touristy activities...this adds up.  Even though it may be a smaller percentage of what some people pay, on a poor college student's budget, $550 goes a long way....(that's 2,750 packets of ramen!!!!!)
Basically, this year I can't afford a $500 vacation--although, I guess I can't complain since I will be spending 2 weeks traveling around Europe this summer--but that's too far away. I just hate having to say that I'm going to Granville, OH for my spring break.

Well, I guess for now I'll just have to be the un-fun kid from Ohio who's not doing anything for spring break. I'm kind of starting to accept it now, though...kind of.  

I'll just have to resort to pictures, memories, and fake tanning (...only kidding). 

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