Friday, January 21, 2011

"Watch your words, for they become actions..."

To be honest, even though I am proud and respectful of the Wittenberg community, I would have never expected to see the chapel filled with students, faculty and staff during the convocation yesterday.  Black, white, gay, straight, old, young....everyone was there, or well, everyone who cared. 
In response to the horrendous note that was posted on a black student's door on MLK day reading, "Whites only, no coloreds", it was truly a beautiful sight to see.  Looking around at my friends crying, or even my professors crying, was a good reminder as to why I came to Wittenberg; the feeling of family.
When I first heard of the incident, I was shocked, confused, MAD, saddened, deeply hurt...and this wasn't even directed towards me!  I can only imagine how the targeted student felt, or even the remaining black students on our campus.  Who would have thought that in 2011, we would have been referencing back to the time period between 1955-1968?  I know I sure didn't...
It truly baffles me that someone would feel compelled to write such hateful words directed specifically at another person.  After coming to such a diverse university, you'd think that their background would match their college choice...
Although, even after such a hate crime, following yesterdays convocation I can once again say that I am proud to be a student at Wittenberg University. But let's still get things straight--I think we all can agree that the picture posted above needs to stay in the past & not continue to arise in the future.

And to those who need reminded....always remember....

"Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.

Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."

1 comment:

  1. I loved this quote that Brianna said at the chapel hour. I feel like part of the solution is taking the meaning of this quote to heart.
