Friday, April 1, 2011

The great debate.

There has been much deliberation over whether or not Wittenberg should continue to require students to complete a 'P' credit (or physical education) while at Witt.  The question doesn't necessarily entail the completion of the physical education requirement, rather whether or not it should be considered a component of the liberal arts education. Regardless, as of now, many students think that it is unfair that varsity athletes "automatically" receive the one 'P' credit that exempts them from having to take a Wittenberg course....which is ridiculous to think.  As an athlete who played on the women's soccer team for one year prior to injuries, the one credit these athletes earn is not even sufficient to the amount of work they put forth.  To earn the general education requirement, all students must participate in a class that meets on average for three hours a week.  Three hours? That's one practice for many athletes. Having 6:30am practices before class, or a practice that doesn't end until 11:00pm is undoubtedly a good reason to earn that one lousy credit to exempt them from taking more time out of their already busy schedules to participate in a pilates or weight training class when they are already physically fit--which is the point of the 'P' credit, correct?
What should also be up for question if Wittenberg does continue to implement the completion of two 'P' credits, is for club sports to receive the same one credit that varsity athletes get.  To inform you, the club sports at Witt consist of rugby, cheerleading, dance team, martial arts, ice hockey, men's volleyball, and a handful of other sports and activities.  Minus a few, the majority of these club sports have at least two scheduled practices a week, if not daily.  Again, if practices are two hours long (which all practices are usually at least two hours) that means that these participants are practicing for at least four hours a week...which is more than the classes. So why don't they receive the credit? Again, the purpose of the 'P' requirement is to help students maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, which students who participate in club sports ARE doing?
Sounds a little unfair to me.....

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