Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Golden Bowl.

This may be a strange blog topic, but hey...why not.
When I walked into a bathroom in Reci, I saw a stack of magazines sitting next to the john. As I sat there, I wondered how someone could sit there long enough in order to read even a page in a magazine.  What's even worse is the idea that they sell books like "The World's Best Bathroom Book"...c'mon, really?! What could be inside such a book? I honestly thought that reading a newspaper while on the loo was just seen in the movies.
This isn't my first time seeing reading material in a bathroom, but I guess I've never seen the bizarre-ness. Now that I do think about it, we even have books in my bathroom at home--which includes a magazine published in 2006 (which goes to show that it's not read). Do people actually use the bathroom long enough to get even a littler reading done?
Well, I did my research. According to "Execuread" it takes the average person one minute to read 200-250 words, or roughly 2 minutes per page. TWO minutes...I don't think I've even been in a bathroom for 2 minutes--but, maybe that's just me?
Maybe they're for decoration. Or maybe someone is trying to prove to their guests that they're well-educated? But let's be real, who wants to be that person who takes 5 minutes in the bathroom?
Who knows-- I may just be over thinking it...

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