Friday, February 25, 2011

Oh Wittenberg, oh Wittenberg...

As a tour guide, I'm asked this question weekly--what's my favorite thing about Witt.  Most of the time I make up cheesy answers (i.e. the beautiful campus, the outrageous number of student organizations, etc.) but when I try to think of what my favorite thing is, it get's seemingly difficult. It also makes it increasingly difficult when you have issues arising such as the uproar the Torch has recently been getting...
So, let's start here--what I don't like about Witt: Paying $240 monthly gas bills to "heat" (and if 62 degrees qualifies as heating, someone please inform me otherwise) my house that was built in the 1800's, their inability to shovel the sidewalks & plow the streets, the outrageous bookstore & post95 prices, only having three places to eat on campus...I think I'll stop there.
But, social, financial and emotional reasons aside, one of my favorite things about Witt is knowing that after I graduate, my education that I received here will advance me further into the workforce (I know, if that isn't cheesy I don't know what is either)... But in all honesty, whether the rumors are true and we are considered "the Harvard of the Midwest", I know you guys can attest that we're leaving as more well-rounded individuals.  It's also a fact that companies are looking for graduates of liberal arts schools. So let's just hope that when next year I'm applying for "big girl" jobs, the decision to attend a small liberal arts school will pay off...

Who knows, I may change my mind in a year. Seniors how do you feel?

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