Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ice ice baby.

This whole ice thing is already ticking me off. Don't get me wrong, it was great having a snow day, but now that my lights keep flickering I'm starting to get worried.
Last night I was overwhelmed with the number of Facebook status' saying "ICEpocalypse '11"..."C'mon ice, keep coming!". Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate when classes are cancelled, but when the severe weather warning is saying, "This destructive and crippling amount of ice can knock out power to potentially hundreds of thousands of customers for days if not weeks", I see red flags...weeks???? I would rather have my heat turned on for those weeks than to have classes cancelled for a day, but hey, that could just be me.
With the non-stop raining, sleeting, hailing & snowing, I'm over it. Being almost locked out of my house because my door knob was frozen, or almost breaking my wrist catching my fall, I just can't seem to reconcile with this ice...I've had enough, plain and simple.
Well, all I can say is we better not have class tomorrow. If people went through all this hype to have one snow day, we better have two. For now I'll just continue to gather my flashlight & candles, warm clothes and lots of blankets...curse you winter storm. 

Spring can't come soon enough...

1 comment:

  1. As much as I love a snow day, I agree with you. I remember when we had an ice storm like this in high school, and I DO NOT want to live without electricity for two weeks ever again. Excess amounts of snow I can deal with, but ice is a different story. I've already fallen twice...both of which Vic's body helped break my fall. Poor pup!
